Many people on the internet are complaining about the lack of dialogue. There are plenty of great movies that lack dialogue. There are also plenty of terrible movies that lack dialogue. This movie may actually have had just as much dialogue as Drive. Its all about the execution. Nicolas Winding Refn knows how to deal with this. The reaction to Valhalla Rising and this could not be any more different, and that is something I cant understand. Both of those films are great pieces of art. Yes they have their own "style" but there is plenty of substance to them as well if you look into it enough. Both of these films lack in dialogue.
At times Winding Refn seems like a hyper violent Andrei Tarkovsky. Where violence and imagery become beauty and those images replace a need for dialogue. Unlike Tarkovsky, this film is not a masterpiece. This film is also not a complete disaster. It doesn't even come close to that. In a world that needs more originality, an art and an industry that needs new life blown in its face, and a country whose people will take Fast 12 (TBA) over anything, do yourself a favor and watch this. Challenge yourself.